General Questions

General Questions is your go-to destination for a diverse range of quality rugs. We're dedicated to offering a blend of traditional and modern designs to suit every space and style.

We have a global presence with offices spread across the USA, United Kingdom, Estonia, Ukraine, and Israel. Our main hub, the heartbeat of, is located in Estonia.

Need assistance? You can reach out to our dedicated team via the 'Contact Us' page on our website. We're eager to help!

At the moment, operates primarily online, allowing us to reach a wider audience and keep our prices competitive. We occasionally participate in trade shows and exhibitions, so stay tuned for announcements!

On each product page, there's an availability status. If it says 'In Stock', you're good to go. If it's temporarily out, don't fret – we restock regularly.

We do offer a bespoke service for certain rugs. Just drop us a message with your specifications, and we'll see what magic we can work.

Join our mailing list! We love sharing our latest designs, offers, and rug tales. Alternatively, follow us on our social media channels for a daily dose of rug inspiration.

Security is our top priority. Our website is encrypted and follows best practices to ensure your data and transactions are safe and sound.

Indeed, we do! We love partnering with designers and businesses for bespoke projects. Reach out to our B2B team for collaboration inquiries.

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